“This is the mindset and language that dictators have. He assumes to speak for everybody. He’s above politics. He’s God’s gift, he was put on Earth to do just this.”
The Great One was consumed with outrage from his majesty’s comments today of a greater power grab if Congress doesn’t act to his satisfaction. Presidential powers via executive order/ action were only intended to apply to the Executive Branch. George Washington in fact refused being a king because he knew it was too great of a concentration of power for one man. The colonies spent years fighting against the tyranny we are clearly under now by this out of control president.
Everyone is expecting shock and awe moments from the progressive radicals that will spark true outrage among the people. that will not happen! Progressives are slick and act subtly over time just as obama has been doing since his rise to power. This is a coup he is launching against the nation and anyone ANYONE who get’s in his way will have their lives destroyed! Just ask the 200+ generals and other military leaders who have had their lives ruined during emperor o’s reign of power!
This clip is only a sample of Levin’s show today, its worth the listen! He spent most of the show discussing his majesty’s power grab and how its a violation of the powers delegated to him via the Constitution, not that Congress cares!