Mark Levin Refuses to Stop Using the Word ‘RINO’

The Great One responds to Mike Huckabee’s call to stop calling RINO’s RINO because they don’t want to be outed. It has nothing to do with differing opinions it has to do with policies and agenda, where one is for big government, tax increases to frankly be democrat-lite! RINOs have no intention of cutting debt, reducing spending, pro-amnesty, they cut deals, attack conservatives etc. The majority in DC calling themselves republicans are RINOs unlike Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and the like who are conservatives.

RINO Huckabee supports Moochelle’s “Let’s Move” program, tax increases, scholarships for illegal aliens children in college, AND did a 30 second ad for RINO Lindsey Graham to only refute it was not an endorsement!

All these guys like McConnell, McCain, Graham, Boehner etc who mock those calling them a RINO leave out how they are for big government and crony capitalism.