Rush may be right but what emperor zero is doing is far more damaging to the US than I think Jimma Carta was capable of. Obama is a hardcore progressive who spews marxist language daily and was cryptic in 2008 about fundamentally transforming this nation. Only now we get a hint of what his plans are to systematically destroy the US economy and healthcare system. To make the US into an appeaser and an apologist for being on the right side of freedom, liberty and capitalism.
Those of us who are long-term unemployed do not see a bright future. The life we and the nation are in is the new norm! 6.7% unemployment is nothing to brag about especially when 92 million have been written off. His majesty may brag about these false economic reports but he was very quick to criticize Bush when UE was at 5%! The economy is in the tank because of his radical agenda, he has no desire to turn things around but to only make things worse!
His actions are to dethrone the US as the last superpower while assisting China’s rise with the help of the Federal Reserve devaluing the dollar and losing all our gold! The emperor may be a 2nd term Carter but he is also carrying on FDR, Wilsons dreams too for total progressive control of the US while making the Constitution irrelevant!