Do you have an extra $134,685 lying around to pay off your share of the national debt? Better yet how about $683,000 for your entire family to cover all US debt? We are currently at $17+ trillion in debt and when Reagan was POTUS it was only $1T by 2015 it is expected to go to $23,000,000,000,000. Under emperor obama our debt has exceeded 100% of the US GDP which is more debt than what has been acquired from George Washington to Bill Clinton! Our unfunded liabilities is approx $117T and growing….
This is all Greek… Egyptian hieroglyphics to the majority of you. In a nutshell the US is beyond broke and on the hook for more money than anyone can possibly imagine. Under Barry obama, Soetoro, Dunham, Davis? the debt has exceeded all other administrations and there is no stop to the out of control spending. He will go on and on about it being George Bush’s fault but really after 5 years of his Congress, his policies, his agenda is it really the evil Bush admins fault? Of course not, and history will not record that way either regardless of how many professors, and crap media organizations he controls.
You’re wondering is there away out? Well if you listen to anyone from DC they will say yes, cut spending, reduce the deficit etc etc but there isn’t enough money on the planet to cover our debt. Ask yourself why so many nations are buying up gold? Why is China and Russia stocking up? Why is a company like Goldline releasing a 1/10 gold coin? Why is there a call to replace the dollar as the reserve currency? Those with the means are preparing for very bad times, while our elected leaders continue to bury this nation in debt. There is a way out, people like Soros are planning for it, the power elite in DC are readying for it… just a question of when the system collapses and is reset. Better question to ask is who will be standing to do the reset?