Remember this from the imperial emperor’s 2009 State of the union speech?
Yea well it turns out this right-wing, crazy tinfoil hat Representative was 100% right. Illegals will be getting health coverage under obamacare in the CA Covered Care exchange! Don’t even go there about CA,because it is the proving grounds for what happens to the rest of the nation. What you should be asking yourself is how many other states have a similar provisions set up for illegals under barackobamacare?
I cannot for the life of me understand why with all the lies exposed about this law as to how it can still be upheld?? What is even more concerning is how our supposed elected leaders in the GOP and even some moderate democrats have turned their backs on the American people with any effort to stop this law from being implemented.
I guess it’s like I warned not too long ago, when people start dying, lawsuits get filed with big payouts maybe something might get done. At this point I am not holding my breath as the majority of Congress, with the exception of the rebellion, have turned their backs on us.
That said I want to know why the American people remain silent? I want to know why DC isn’t brought to stand still with protesters dwarfing the turnout in 2009/10 that was against obamacare when it was still being debated?
Bunch of G-Damn Keyboard Patriots too busy with whatever game or reality show that’s on TV or some trivial event in your lives to do anything. I have more RESPECT for the Egyptian, Libyan and Iranian people who rose up than I do for Americans right now. They had the balls to put their lives on the line against radical regimes that are no different from this tyrannical govt. You sheople sit around taking the Bill of Rights and all the privileges of being an American for granted, rights those people would pout their lives on the line for.
And let me tell you, the day is coming when you will regret sitting around waiting for someone else to come and do something! Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul or anyone else for that matter is not going to be your savior, no one is coming to our rescue.
Obamacare Recruiting Illegals in California
by Joel B. Pollak | Big Government
…The Covered California website includes a special page entitled: “No temas si eres indocumentado/a y quieres inscribir a tu familia en un seguro médico” (“Fear not if you are undocumented and want to enroll your family in health insurance”). The website goes on to explain that information shared with Obamacare cannot be shared with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It does not explicitly warn that illegal aliens are ineligible.
“According to the laws and implementing regulations,” the website says, “the information provided by individuals for coverage can not be used for purposes other than ensuring the efficient functioning of the insurance market ( Covered California) or administration of the program, or to verify certain eligibility determinations including verification of the immigration status of these people.” ..more