Glenn Beck Details Meeting With Establishment GOP Bigwig: They Only Care When Their Funds Get Cut Off

We don’t know yet who Glenn Beck met with but in a nutshell whomever this person is they are speaking for a number of establishment GOPr’s whining that their funding is getting cut off. These jerks in DC only cared about the TEA Party and conservative movement when it benefitted them. They never came to our defense when the crap media and radical left would attack us. Only a few have spoken out over the abuse from the IRS and it’s only now as they “start to feel the pinch” from loss of funds they come to Beck asking to stop with the call to Defund the GOP.

What this guy and all the others he/ she represents needs to understand is its game over for the establishment and progressive movement. We are done, we are tired of the abuse and violations against this country while they do nothing. They care only about building their little kingdoms under emperor obama. Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Cornyn, Pete King, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and all their progressive pals have to go period. They are not our friends they are our enemies! I got nothing left to say other than