Is this guy serious? This isn’t a laughable moment at someone lying either. This is pure propaganda and it is extremely dangerous this guy would go on national tv and say these things about Common Core when we know it is a curriculum, telling teachers how to teach and a federal takeover!
I am NO expert on Common Core but I have seen and heard enough to know kids are being taught things in math that are so insane, that make no sense unless you want to create an entire generation incapable of critical thinking and the ability to solve problems who will run to govt for the answers.
If teachers are TEACHING children the new methods of math, anti-American sentiment with regards to US history etc spelled out in Common Core then how is that not telling teachers how to teach? Schools that adopt Common Core are creating a curriculum based on Common Core standards! The double talk from Gates is astonishing, as if he is attempting a Jedi mind trick all:
“these aren’t the droids you’re looking for”…
If public schools are seeking federal financial aid and the only standard established is that adopted by states under Common Core to qualify then that would be backdoor example of a federal takeover! Federal incentives are bait for schools to adopt common set of educational standards for schools to get access to those funds. It’s not a direct federal takeover because law prohibits the federal govt from doing so but like all laws there are loopholes. So if all states adopt Common Core they create the standard in which the govt will reward funds! This is a gray area but all you have to do is look at the players behind it to know it’s not good for the country. We have de Blasio in NYC pulling the plug on charter schools to share the wealth with the public schools regardless that charter students TEST HIGHER than those in public schools!!
Common Core: The federal takeover of school curriculum
“In March 2009, the Department of Education revealed its backdoor method of gaining federal control of state educational policy when Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced the Race to the Top (RTTT) program—an opportunity for states to compete for a share of $4.35 billion reserved for state education incentives by the American Recovery and Restoration Act. To even be eligible for funding, states had to promise that they would fully adopt a set of common college- and career-ready standards supplemented with only 15% of their own standards.2 Applicants also had to demonstrate that they would expand their state’s longitudinal data system to be in the same format as other states and to contain new data including student health, demographics, and success in postsecondary education.”~HSLDA
Common Core is poison to our educational system which is designed to shutout charter & private schools and homeschooling. Those not educated in the public school system will not meet the requirements for higher learning at colleges and universities but I argue they will be smarter than those educated in the public school system! Americans are behind our competition around the world in education because there is too much government invoked as it is. Teachers in the public education system care more about their pensions and tenure than making sure kids know their ABC’s and how to do simple math! You want kids to get smarter in school get rid of the school unions, tenure etc! Critical thinking, creativity, taking the initiative are all just about gone at this point.
This is just wrong Bill Gates is just another elitist pushing propaganda while he assists this regime and the other progressive elitists to complete fundamental transformation! Stephanopoulos is no journalist and has just proven he is a propagandist assisting the radical takeover of our educational system.