Debbie Wasserman Schultz on IRS Hearing: Issa’s Trying to “Politicize” This “Settled Matter”

There is nothing shocking with what Issa did to Elijah Cummings. Cummings said he had a question to ask he was given the opportunity which was nothing but an attack toward republicans and the system These two TWITS seem to forget what their closet communist pal Pignose Waxman did to Rep Issa a few years ago…

I would say this is shocking and abusive, Issa was following the rules and the left hates that!

What’s settled, the investigation isn’t completed, Lerner is stonewalling pleading the 5th over and over again etc!? The IRS is still scrutinizing TEA Party and conservative groups refusing to produce documents requested by Issa and company. Propagandists like DWS want people to think after the failed House hearing the investigation into the now weaponized IRS is over. This is what radicals do, they trivialize and belittle their opponents into irrelevance until they give up.

You have to wonder why so many of them want this investigation like Benghazi to go away?! We all know why though, the regime doesn’t want the truth getting out they ordered the IRS to go after any and all organizations who question the imperial emperor.