All this lunatic does is go on the Senate floor and LIE like there is no tomorrow. You will never hear this dirtbag coward smear and slander anyone outside of the Senate floor because he will get his ass sued off had it not been for Art 1 Sec 6!
Someone ought to remind Dingy Reid his boss emperor obama is the one who turned his back on a nation who was promised, via the 1994 Budapest Memorandum under Clinton, would be protected in exchange for giving up its nuclear arsenal! Putey Pute would not have stepped foot in the Ukraine if they still had their nukes. If nations demonstrate they won’t uphold a treaty why should other nations surrender their pursuit for nuclear weapons if it will leave them vulnerable?
Barry and other NATO nations set a dangerous precedent remaining silent on Russian invasion of Crimea/ Ukraine where a rogue nation like Iran will capitalize off of it to justify their nuclear weapons program.