This is just more redistribution of wealth and power all under obama’s fundamental transformation promise. If folks are expecting some shock and awe moment I have news for you it’s not going to happen. Those waiting for that shock and awe moment as the trigger to react and fight back you are living in a fantasy world. When enough damage is done for the avg uninformed drone to wake up it will be too late to do anything.
Handing over control of the internet domain registry to some foreign body is dangerous especially if China and Russia are controlling interests. If the US govt doesn’t want to oversee it fine hand it over to some US based private agency. Why not all the telecom, internet, cable and satellite providers and device manufactures in the US join forces create some body to take control?
It makes no sense for the US to hand over any kind of internet control unless your end goal is to silence free speech. First it will be the denial of website names, then you will have an instance here and there of the plug being pulled on sites publishing questionable content and then eventual censorship of anyone not on board with the foreign controlling bodies agenda.
Power grabs always start small scale on something like this that is trivialized “oh it’s just the name registry”. Then it grows from there to full tyranny over free speech and who knows what afterwards.