Rush: Media Have Encouraged White House To Be Uncooperative

The crap media created this monster and now they whine about it!!? The amount of damage they have done is off the charts. Where was the media with Benghazi and the IRS scandal? Where are they with regards to the obamacare disaster!? But hey they whine about Moochelle going to China! There is nothing family oriented with the first lady traveling to China with all the tension going on in the world. Michelle is no Laura Bush she likes to open her mouth and push policy and agenda. Tinfoil hat time, little Barry has enough on his plate starting trouble with Russia, middle east and destroying the economy. John kerry has proven to be useless in foreign affairs like his predecessor Hillary “the Butcher of Benghazi” Clinton. So that said why not send Moochelle to work some magic with the Chinese asking them not to side with Russia with everything going!? Far fetched? Maybe but you should know by now anything is possible with this regime!

This all makes sense as to why the media is being shutout. As Rush suggests internal wh sources are in fear of being prosecuted should they share info with the media, imagine if what I suggest is true and was leaked by the media! One dangerous precedent after another is being set by this administration fulfilling their promise of fundamental transformation!