Dem Rep Scott Slams Obama’s Response to VA Scandal, Calls for Shinseki to Go

Wouldn’t it be nice if dems had this kind of passion over the IRS, Benghazi, Fast & Furious and other scandals coming from this admin?? This govt treats terrorists and prisoners better than they treat our veterans! Rep Scott, a dem, is correct we don’t have time for more investigations, the reports are already in, more whistleblowers are coming forward everyday about the abuse and lack of care our warriors are subjected to.

I hope people are paying attention to what is going on because the govt run VA healthcare is obamacare!

Hmm I guess Rep Scott is a racist now for calling for Gen Shinseki’s resignation and slamming obama’s poor response to the VA scandal. I wonder if the anti-Christian bigots will call for him to give an apology for quoting Jesus?