Yea America its time to reconsider gun laws now that a mass killer LEGALLY bought three guns! All of which were obtained with a background check, were registered and the killer had dozens of CA legal 10 round magazines! The fact that three of his victims were stabbed and a fourth killed by blunt trauma with an assault car is irrelevant!
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for gun control to even be discussed. Sorry to report but the system progressives have fought tooth and nail to establish “worked”! The killer jumped through all the necessary hoops set forth by the tyrannical gun control lobby. He was visited by the police who found no reason to hold him on a 5150. The other sad result of this killing is that the laws progressives created to stop criminals only prevented law-abiding citizens from defending themselves against this monster!
Oh Dick, `scuse me Rich, that stat you spewed about “90%” is an outright lie! America that stat is based on an MSNBC poll of only 1200 people, democrats, conducted for the show “Morning Joe”. Nice try though DICK I mean Rich with the “Monday Morning Quarterbacking”!
Get ready boys and girls that lunatic mass killer just gave new life to the gun control debate. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect as it will provide just enough camouflage for the DC destroyers to move immigration reform ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY to the House floor for a vote while the nation is distracted fighting over laws the left already put in place that will now be deemed “not enough”!