Well it should be no surprise that the terrorists held at Gitmo get better healthcare than our veterans. This regime under emperor obama has proven time again their detest for our military (active/ retired) while looking for any way to cater to the very people who would welcome the opportunity to kill each and every one of us! We are truly living in upside-down times because people have gotten too complacent.
This VA scandal like the other scandals will blow over in a few months just like all the other scandals his majesty who is mad as hell promises to get to the bottom of. Yea whatever we have heard it before and because Americans are asleep in a coma as we have seen with primary elections voter turnout and losses we will have no one in DC to hold anyone accountable. This elf you sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone to come along and do something will be waiting a very long time. I hope you aren’t holding your breath for a big victory in Nov even if it does happen too many progressive republicans have been left in play nothing will change…