Step 1: Deny there’s a scandal, trivialize it “..endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals…”
Step 2: Blame Bush, republicans, TEA Party, right wingers, extremists and pull the race card
Step 3: Say you learned about the scandal via the news, play stupid!
His majesty is a master of propaganda and deception. Obama IS a professor of Alinsky 101 and it is about time for those in the new media,the few rebels in the MSM, to start calling him out on it publicly.
This lawless president is being permitted through these steps of his “scandal manual” to get away with murder(of the US). Congress at this point is playing by a similar manual making just as many excuses and providing the emperor with one escape hatch after another. Their complicity and Americans complacency has guaranteed obama will complete fundamental transformation.