“… I make no apologies for it. It was a unanimous decision among my principles in my government…”
His government? Last time I checked the president and US govt are servants to the people! But because those we sent to Congress are complicit with this lawless president dictator he now believes he is the government! The American people are to blame because we have sent the same men and women to Congress over and over again who have ceded power over decades to the Executive Branch. This relinquishing of power has now gone into over-drive over the last decade by these people who REFUSE to hold this man accountable. They are too busy plotting and scheming the propaganda to stay in power for the coming midterm elections while they build their small kingdoms on the backs of tax payers!
How many will go on the air waving their finger at him to not do another power grab or else? That means they are aware of his violations of the law but choose to give him a second chance… although we have lost count how many “second chances” this two-bit dictator has been given. Make no mistake about it folks this quick comment by obama is proof we are now in a post-Constitutional Republic era!