According to this CNN report and the Murrieta Patch page it would appear DHS/ Border Patrol is planning to dump a bus load of 140 illegal aliens in Murrieta CA July 4th of all days, where buses are expected to arrive around 12pm. This arrival time is not in stone as the feds know citizens will be present protesting this dumping of people!
Those in So CA planning to attend and protest need to keep a close eye on participants who have a short fuse. Bill O’Reilly had a field day knocking the entire protest from tuesday because of ONE guy that allegedly spit in a pro-amnesty guys face. If you know anyone planning to attend who cannot control themselves it’s on you to tell them to stay home. This is too important and we cannot give the left or the obama admin any political ammo to use against Americans protesting this govt sponsored invasion.
The radical left, crap media, progressives etc are only showing up to specifically capture video like what happened tuesday to turn this thing into a race issue, which it clearly is not. It would be nice if some black, asian, hispanic conservatives would show up! Also if you can try to get younger people to participate, that would go a long way. Too many protests tend to be an older demographic that plays into progressives narrative and stereotypes.
If you plan to get into debate with opposition protestors have the facts and truth on your side THINK before you speak! The pro-amnesty activists who will be showing up will be 2 steps ahead of you. Be prepared to be baited to say insensitive, offensive things and of course racial baiting.