The admin and socialists like Lee lie repeatedly that the border is secure (“under control”), if it were we would not be having this invasion! Lee has clearly taken a page from obama lying that the “border is under control” and the US economy is doing well. Our economy might be better than Honduras but fact is we have millions unemployed, in poverty, homeless, vets not getting proper care etc. that the funds being allocated to the border would be better suited to take care of our own!
We don’t need more judges, staff etc working the system to find ways for these people to stay here. Lee is in fact calling for more money, more big government we don’t have to be thrown at a problem we were flat-out told by obama, Napolitano and Carney was a done deal.
Of the 300K that have come here only an est 50K are children. The children are anchors to get the rest of their families here and that cannot be permitted. Some parents are here, which makes you wonder probably on visa but that proves they have been earning money here sending it back to their native country to have families shipped here!! Feed them clean them up and send them back home to their families is the best message to send putting a stop to this border invasion! What we need is the National Guard on the border and shut it down because it is not secure.
Consider this if 100K cross the border but only 60-70k are caught what about that 30-40K that are now loose in the US? We know those captured have diseases, criminal backgrounds etc, so how many that didn’t get caught are a national security or health threat? That is one of the main concerns for those of us being called racists which we are not! Illegal aliens cannot be permitted to stay here they must be sent back! Yes let’s show some compassion for them while they are here but we need to care for our own first!