This idiot couldn’t tell the truth if his family’s life depended on it! Obama lies 24/7 and the irony is even in this clip he is lying “telling the truth now”. Ya see when he stutters he is definitely lying. Don’t believe it? Go watch his videos when you know he is lying and you’re guaranteed to hear him stutter. Some people have a facial twitch, others look away but this guy STUTTERS profusely when he lies.
His majesty has zero intentions of working with the republicans. Correction he will work with them as long as they agree to do whatever it is he wants done! The party of Abraham Lincoln died a long time ago, today it is a shell of a once grand party who looked out for the people. Republicans of today are democrats from our past. The democrats are full-blown socialists if not closet communists. All of them are pro-big government wanting complete control of our lives thinking they low what is best because both “parties” are nothing but the two faces of the progressive (aka patient communist) beast!
Oh by the way this speech of his is in fact an indictment that he has been lying about everything since “I don’t have to run for office again”! Progressives arrogance never disappoints, they always admit they lie and deceive!