And how did the ISIS members being monitored by DHS get into the US? They came in through obama’s open US-Mexican border. The obama regime knows terrorists are crossing into the US through our open border yet chooses to do nothing about it… and that goes for those wastes of flesh in Congress! When we get it they ALL will be to blame no one will be permitted to make an excuse.
We haven’t seen a 9/11 style of attack from ISIS not because they can’t but because they have chosen not to attack… yet! Obama regime members dismissing the danger because they are on the other side of the world have a pre-9/11 mentality which will get a lot of Americans killed. The threat is serious, Hagel at least admitted that, but there are political pundits who claim they just want to build their caliphate and be left alone “over there”. No, that is a lie they want world domination, everyone to submit to radical islam, if you don’t you either pay the jizya(tax), get out or die! We know this to be true because it is what they have been doing it to Christians and anyone who isn’t a die-hard muslim!
So do yourself a favor if you hear anyone downplaying ISIS just get away from them. They are a lost cause and will learn the hard way.