Congress is responsible for allowing obama to become a dictator. They have stood by completely silent one Executive Order after another. They have allowed obama to bully them into believing if they speak out, let alone act out, against him they hate the little, are racists & haters, don’t want people to have __, enable corporate America or whatever word or phrase he successfully uses to demonize them. NO ONE in DC ever challenges this clown on anything he says or does. The one time he was called out for being a liar by Rep Joe Wilson, who spoke the truth, what happened? Wilson got attacked, permitted it and even apologized.
This guy is ruining our country because our leaders and even those around us are afraid to speak the truth. Call obama and the socialist party for what they are. if you get attacked so be it those attacking were your friends or close family to begin with! As for you dopes in DC you need to understand you work for the people. We are tired we have had it with all of you. You all do realize this is all going to backfire someday not only on your but those close to you!? It’s just a question of time now the pressure is this powered keg is building. It will blow and God help those who are responsible….