Levin to say the least was fuming, rather went nuclear over this “hit job” against Perry for most of his show. Progressives will use every trick and tool at their disposal to destroy conservatives. FYI the Texas governor under the Texas State Constitution can line item veto anything they want. This Lehmberg is just using the system to get back at Perry after calling for her resignation following her arrest for DUI. Here she is having to be restrained by jailers…
In typical progressive propaganda protocol this news hit late in the day so it will be all that is talked about (besides the Brown shooting in MO) until monday. Clearly proglodytes are scared of Perry and want him destroyed even if they have to pull cheap moves like this. Obama, Pelosi, Reid and countless progressives break the law 24/7 and they aren’t indicted, Perry uses the powers delegated to him and he is indicted?! This country is in big trouble if things don’t change real quick!
Those conservatives escaping to Texas might I suggest you move to Austin to change the political demographics there and run all the progressives out of the state that will more or less be the Alamo for this entire nation when SHTF!