Obama Says Pulling US Troops Out of Iraq Was Not His Decision

This clown occupying the White House is getting people killed and he is going to get more Americans killed over his lax foreign policy (which includes our open border). So according to this Hannah character it’s “our” fault now, by electing obama who did what people wanted, for the troop withdrawal? Seriously!?

Mark Hannah and all the progressive drones that go on air defending this regime will stoop to whatever low and lie like no tomorrow to protect the boyking. We are witnessing mass genocide, a Christian holocaust right before our eyes in Iraq which is a mess because of obama’s policies. If a small contingency of troops was left in place ISIS would have never rose to power in Iraq and they wouldn’t have our weapons using them on innocent people. The obama Clinton foreign policy created the perfect environment for ISIS to rise to power. The blood being spilled is on their hands and people better remember that connection as we get close to 2016. Hillary Clinton is not going to get away from this mess either this all was going on when she was running the State Dept.