The Propaganda Minister claims there were other crisis’ that needed more attention… well healthcare wasn’t a crisis. Yet the regime spent 2 years ramming obamacare down our throat with a supermajority! His majesty’s $850 billion economic stimulus did absolutely nothing either! Congress and this regime KNEW during those two years they controlled DC the problem with illegal immigration was a growing rapidly if not a threat to the US and they chose to do nothing!
You want the real reason why? They did nothing so they could dump/ push blame for all of emperor obamas failures on the backs of republicants! They knew ramming obamacare and the stimulus would backfire so why not take a do nothing position on immigration and then when we get to where we are today they can blame it on the GOP. And what do you know that is exactly what the dems/ socialist party is doing right now!
I said it before ‘Ill say again the stupid republicans are being set up. If they in fact win majority in the Senate while holding onto the House when SHTF (set up by the socialists insane destructive policies) they will be blamed for everything. If collapse comes later after 2016 and there is still a republican supermajority it will definitely cement this theory giving socialists all the political ammo they need to win in every market!
GOP bobbleheads better wake up to see and understand they’re being set up to take the greatest fall!