Chicago thug is the one who has been whispering in emperor obama’s ear on how to bypass Congress on amnesty, so it’s no wonder he is hearing music to his ears. Gutiérrez is a hardcore socialist/ closet communist btw way so he cannot wait for the emperor to bypass Congress with an upcoming holiday while the nation remains distracted with Ferguson MO. Executive Orders can be reversed, but it will take conservatives controlling a supermajority in the House and Senate. Will that happen this November? Don’t hold your breath!
If the humanitarian crisis was so serious to Congressional supporters of amnesty why did they run off to their 5 week vacation? They all just cut and ran while we the people will bear the pain of another executive order. Jobs will be lost, social service programs will be maxed out, you will wait longer in the hospital, you will see higher taxes to pay for everything illegals will put a drain on. Your kids will be forced to learn spanish in school and have resources taken from them given to illegal alien children. Oh and you will pay politically when these undocumented democrats are legalized!