First Ebola Case Diagnosed in US

First and not the last case of Ebola as we will hear more and more stories as those traveling to contaminated areas of Africa are free to hop on planes to fly around the world. It is naive, irresponsible and dangerous for the CDC to claim all is well and they will defeat this virus. Why? As of right now we have medical personnel taking all the necessary precautions contracting this deadly virus if they are catching it than anyone can. Those in contact with the disease showing no symptoms aren’t just getting a few around them in danger either. Those flying have theoretically contaminated an entire airplane from simply blowing their nose, coughing and sneezing or wiping their mouth and touching the tray, seatback button, seatbelt etc!! But it isn’t just the 180-300 people on a plane in danger the numbers compound: 2*2=4*4=16*16=256*256=65536… and so on!

Now I take great issue with how these health experts state how Ebola is transmitted. Remember Ebola has never been present in a large populated areas like NY, Dallas or LA. In Africa the contagion can be isolated and in worst case scenarios villages are burned to the ground! What is the plan for a disease like Ebola in a city with millions?

CDC experts say the spreading of the disease is remote but what will they say when it mutates once more cases are introduced to US population? Science has yet to create a cure for the common cold & flu because of the mutations. Pay attention now, American physiology is different from African physiology, we have immunities and weaknesses to diseases they do & don’t. Americans in general have a slew of antibiotics and vaccines in our bodies that Africans do not. These chemicals have different effects on bugs, so what happens when Ebola gets introduced into our population? Will it remain the same or mutate? Is there any chance it could jump becoming airborne? We don’t know, because man doesn’t have a handle on Mother Nature! We try to stay a step ahead but the CDC has a vault of bugs they cannot kill!

Be careful out there and take precautions because those in power are doing a disservice to all of us saying “no worries”, “we will defeat this”. Yea we defeated a lot of nasty bugs throughout history, but how many people died before said diseases were defeated!?