Well at least Sen Sessions isn’t letting up against obama’s unilateral illegal threats to grant amnesty. How many other Senators or Representatives spoke out today after their long lavish vacation against the imperial emperor? Amnesty will cost more jobs and put more pain on middle class & poor Americans. The govt reported 9 mil Americans are unemployed and 92 million are out of the work force. We the long-term unemployed have no chance of finding work as long as the flood gates are opened to illegal aliens. They are responsible for driving wages down because they live in packs sharing the cost of living. I know this as fact and have seen it with my own eyes. The avg American worker cannot survive on part-time low pay (doesn’t mean min wage has to be raised either). Majority of Americans do not live packs of 3-4 families per household like illegals. This is why illegal accept low paying jobs and will even work for less.
Obama and the progressives (R’s & D’s) couldnt careless about those of us hurting economically. Amnesty is all about securing votes and locking up a permanent dependent entitlement voting class. Illegal aliens offer nothing to the US economy they ARE NOT the best and brightest from wherever they come from.