Enjoy this clip of Rep Jim Jordan methodically taking apart the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) for HHS over the lack of being prepared for an Ebola breakout (treatments/ vaccines) in the US.
The expressions on Dr Lurie’s face says it all as she has no excuse for all the wasteful spending in the NIH vs developing an Ebola vaccine. The demoncrats would have Americans believe the republicants are responsible for cutting funds to the CDC and NIH. Clearly the truth of the matter is the money is there to fight deadly diseases but all these govt agencies are corrupt to the core wasting YOUR money because.. why not, it’s not their money. This is the attitude coming from both parties but more so from liberals as they LOVE to spend money on puppet shows or building monuments (ie buildings) in their name.
Dr Lurie oversees the NIH but like a typical regime member she states she’s not in a position to comment on it’s budget?! Don’t you just love the transparency in the most transparent admin in US history!