The most transparent admin in history is the most guarded and dangerous no thanks to the crap media!
Well once again we hear from the media about how dangerous this admin is. Don’t know why Susan Page, USA Today’s Washington Bureau Chief, or anyone else in the media should be surprised or alarmed seeing that they made this monster. The media as a whole chose to put obama on a pedestal and make him untouchable. Anyone who came forward against him the media was quick to attack and demonize to protect their messiah. Now here we are 6+ years later and they are all complaining about access, restriction or making a statement as Page has done.
What did you all think was going to happen? The Fourth Estates job was to keep this admin like all in check instead you became information bodyguards allowing obama and his radicals to get away with murder…. (Benghazi, Fast & Furious, VA scandal). You like Congress set precedent for never holding him accountable. Obola knows this and takes advantage of it week after week because what are going to do? You going to whine and complain and be critical of him now after he is in his second term? Go ask Fox News what its like to be critical of this regime! Ask James Rosen what its like to be a target or even fmr CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson.
All of you in the crap media are concerned about the future have no one to blame but yourselves! You have not only screwed yourselves but the American people over your blinded love for this man who never did anything in his life leading up to 2008 for you to protect him as you did. Fools all of you!