Don Lemon Blames Bloggers for Causing Riots and Looting in Ferguson

Here we go the crap media has to point the finger of blame at bloggers and social media for a bunch of animals who didn’t get their way. Yea it’s all the bloggers, social media and alternative news media’s fault, we put a gun to the protesters heads and said go destroy Ferguson!

The protestors cannot accept the justice system did what it was designed to do. They refuse to accept the hard forensic data and eyewitness testimony. So there is CNN pandering to them doing the work of the obama admin helping push lies and deceit using these people to advance its agenda for social justice!

CNN is at the top of the list for amping this thing up putting cameras everywhere, which by their very presence causes people to act out. Take the cameras away and these people have no audience to pay to, but to blame bloggers, social media and other online media for what is happening is deplorable. What do we expect though from talking heads of this radical administration who has done nothing but throw gasoline on this controversy. And just like the admin, CNN cannot take responsibility for how they have encouraged the rabble-rousers and given an outlet to radical revolutionaries to send their distorted message to the nation.

The Fourth Estate is truly dead…