No one has any clue what happened between Brown and Officer Wilson except the attorneys involved and the members of the Grand Jury. Yet radical revolutionaries are plotting on how to create absolute chaos to terrorize everyone in Ferguson & the St Louis area. These radicals do not care about what happened to Brown, because if they did then they would have also targeted other cities with similar events but they haven’t. These commies have co-opted this tragedy for their own agenda for an overthrow of govt as are adamant in their desire start a violent revolution in this country.
What these “activists” are planning is terrorism against every single resident who has been warned to prepare for anarchy in the streets. Worst off they are calling for riots and uprisings across the country in hopes of starting their dream revolution! Imagine if TEA Party members were to do this they would have been rounded up by now; but these radicals have the support of Darth Hussein and Eric Holder! Granted the “activists” have a First Amendment right to organize and protest but when such planning involves terrorizing the citizenry, encouraging the destruction of property something has got to be done.
Gov Nixon has issued a State of Emergency and called up the National Guard, rightfully so. Destroying property, threatening people, targeting businesses and individuals will not bring Michael Brown back and it will not influence the Grand Jury’s decision. Frankly I’m tired of hearing about these kinds of stories that is a magnet for socialists, communists, anarchists, pro-palestinians(what the hell are they doing there??) Black PUSSY Cat Party etc who talk big about hurting people for their cause. They want a fight the police (who I have been critical of) and the Guard should give it to them and end this!
One last note, those of you in Ferguson who are peaceful, being forced to prepare for the worst, you do whatever you have to to protect yourself, family and property. You have a God-given.. natural right (for you anti-religion types out there) to protect yourself. These radicals are prepared to hurt you, your family and destroy your property because of how they feel and to hell with the rule of law.