Obama to Grant Executive Amnesty Friday From Vegas

emperor obamaThis friday the imperial emperor will travel to Las Vegas and announce his plans to circumvent the United States Congress, usurp the US Constitution and the will of the American people. He will officially make every single citizen (man,woman,child) into second class citizens becoming completely unleashed as I warned Nov 4th. The loss at the voting booth was a lock this was going to happen. The demoncrats and republicants, both progressives, know the American people are onto them so his majesty will deliver a new pool of mindless dependent voters to create one party rule.

illegals fuillegal aliens middle finger

Many people mock and ridicule California for its dealing with illegals when they should have taken what is happening in CA as a warning. CA more or less has one party rule because of the leaders pandering to illegals. This is now the direction the Sith occupying the white house (and Congress) has put the US on. One party rule is inevitable once illegals are made into first class citizens.

Do you hear your leaders outraged about this? Has the House and Senate ceased all scheduled plans for today to address this seizure of power by the imperial emperor? Nope… It’s just business as usual for the destroyers of the Republic standing idly by allowing Darth Hussein to put the final touches on his promise of fundamental transformation.

America in 2009-10 you took to the streets enraged with the takeover of your healthcare system and it still got through. You have been all but silent on amnesty guaranteeing it will become a reality. Before you throw a fit at others take a look in the mirror and chew the person staring back at you for what is coming. Amnesty is as much your fault as those you want to blame. You were too busy with work, the big game, shopping, the kids schedule, get togethers with family & friends thinking someone else would do something. Sorry but the person to do something was you!

Not to speak is to speak… now reap what you sow.

Update: Darth Hussein announced today via fascistbook he will lay out his plans Thursday night in primetime address..