Deputy Propaganda Minister Claims ISIS’ Momentum Has Been ‘Blunted’ as Ramadi Falls

Where-o-where do these people come from who lie with a straight face?! Deputy Propaganda Minister Eric “I know nothing” Schultz rambled on like it was his first day on the job. Look at this kid read off a prepared statement of “progress” while Ramadi falls to ISIS! Geez Josh “Dis”Earnest would have at last looked at the press corp while he would give a prepared response from the regime.

All that blood and treasure wasted no thanks to the appeaser in chief. I cannot imagine how those of you who served and fought in Iraq feel as this death cult continues to grow their caliphate unchallenged. If obama had just left a contingency force in place this would not have happened. We worried about Afghanistan being a haven for terrorists but now the entire region is going to be one huge sanctuary for terrorists and spark a nuclear arms race no thanks to king Ø.