Ret Navy SEAL Rob O’Neill, who put three beautiful rounds into bin Ladens coconut, slammed the report by Seymour Hersh that the regime lied about the 2011 raid.
I have to say I’m a bit mixed on this, here’s why:
1) It has been suggested the Paki’s knew about bin Laden and were helping the CIA because they couldn’t take action on their own for fears of retribution. Ehhhh, this plausible in that part of the world especially after the 2008 attack in Mumbai and others that followed. God knows the Paki’s couldn’t run this raid and no other Special Forces unit could have executed this raid either.
2) It’s a fact obama lies about everything, so for him to lie and take credit for the entire operation to protect the Paki’s would be second nature for him.
….on the the flip side
3) To accept Hersh’s account (again no proof) would be calling O’Neill and others liars. There is no way the SEALs would put an ISI agent on point in the biggest operation (that we know of) of their existence. Yes advisers in the past have gone along but they would be there for the ride, not be on point. The SEALs define professionals and masters of the trade, they don’t follow they lead. To suggest a Pakistani agent took them by the hand into the UBL compound is ‘insulting’ and ‘ridiculous’.
4) ISI cannot be trusted. Does anyone believe they didn’t know UBL was a mile away from a military base like O’Neill points out!? The Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA remains in prison. If Hersh’s account is true why is the informant still locked up under the charge of the ISI? Why not release him as a favor to the US since we allegedly covered for them?
Not really sure what Hersh’s motives are to come out with these claims other than to slam US policy and the use of our military in black operations. If anything it exposes holes in intelligence if true but it also damages our relations with Pakistan because this would put them into danger. This would also screw any chance of getting help from them or other nations in the future as well since we can’t keep a lid on intel. Like Rob says this report is ‘insulting’ and ‘ridiculous’.