Press Sec Admits to ‘Merely Repeating’ Planned Parenthood Talking Points

I’m sorry did we miss an election? Since when does the white house spew an organizations talking points when they are in the midst of a scandal?! While some may shrug this off, mock Earnest etc this is actually serious where Americans should be demanding his termination or resignation.

Josh Earnest is a public servant, an employee of the American people who should not be doing PR for an organization. Furthermore his comments are an admittance that he NEVER watched the videos, let alone knows nothing about what is going on. Maybe he feels obligated since Planned Parenthood receives approx $500mil a year from taxpayers? The White House Press Secretary has absolutely no business whatsoever to be defending any organization on our dime. This America is another example of how extensive the Washington Cartel has reach. We need new leadership top to bottom who are not beholden to any group, special interest, cause or individual.