Press Sec: Obama Will Veto Any Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

There is no reason the American people should have to fund this organization of ghou… monsters who harvest and sell body parts from aborted babies. YES BABIES!

Let’s get something abundantly clear THIS IS NOT A CLUMP OF CELLS [WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT]

Josh Earnest is so full of himself and trying to sound righteous on behalf of the obama regime he cannot see that he has now made it in stone that this president sanctions the killing of unborn babies. Those of you on the left who stand by obama and Planned Parenthood, like Ashley Judd,..

..are literally teetering on the edge of being truly evil. Oh and please spare us all with lies that PP provides needed healthcare.

Dana Loesch destroyed that lie perfectly…

Take some advice from The Book of Eli

“You’re gonna be held to account for the things you’ve done, do you know that? Do you?”
and save your soul you monsters!