Officials confirmed a shooting at naval recruiting center in Chattanooga TN where the AP reports 4 Marines have been killed and 1 police officer shot. Many schools and hospitals were on lock down while police hunted the gunman (lone wolf?) who is reportedly dead after a 15-20 minute gunfight.
Of course officials nor the media will commit to say if this was an act of terrorism or not, suggesting it might just be a crazy person.For two military facilities to be attacked doesn’t sound like the act of the insane but an act of terrorism!
Now for the record America, aside from being a military recruiting center, where did this happen? Soft target. These acts of violence, terrorism whatever you want to call them always happen at soft targets aka “Gun Free Zones”.
Evil will always find a way to injure and kill. The current anti-gun laws and regs in place have left Americans (civilians & military) defenseless, not to mention being a blatant infringement on the Second Amendment.
Now to make matters worse witnesses claim the gunman pulled out a “big black gun”. Here we go again! The evil AR-15 will be blamed whether it was in fact used or not where progressives will start another campaign against the weapon used.
*This page will be updated as more info comes available*