Once again Twitter and other social media outlets are buzzing over this image of the Pope and obama. The signs are everywhere, someone is trying to warn us of the trouble obama and those who follow/ support him blindly are getting us into!
In 2013 there was an actor who looked like obama that played the devil from the History Channel’s movie The Bible…
Then there were these images of obama popping up after a speech he gave (on 9/11/14!) when he said “ISIL is not islamic” downplaying the threat they pose…
And now we have this new gem after obama and the Pope exited a building at Andrew’s AFB following the Pontiffs arrival to the US and a quick meet and greet…
The Air Force’s logo wings line up perfectly with obama’s head to look like horns are coming out of his head!
Granted the lookalike from The Bible can be dismissed as coincidence, but no one has this kind of bad luck with a backdrop when they get in front of a camera… twice!