Mark Levin, as well as many true conservatives, has had it with Rand Paul!
Paul attacking Ted Cruz, talking about Senate decorum and who has friends, has just showed his cards with whom his allegiance is with! Sorry Rand some people have principles, morals and ethics who didn’t throw that all away to be in with Harry Reid-lite Mitch McConnell and the Establishment GOP.
How is it Paul can have the conservative positions he has yet attack a true conservative like Ted Cruz who stands for the same UNLESS progressives have their claws in him? IMO Mitch McConnell OWNS RAND PAUL, it’s that simple.
McConnell in exchange for Paul’s endorsement and support used his influence with the KY legislature to allow Paul to run for POTUS while keeping his Senate seat. If Paul would have had to give up his Senate seat he would not be in the race right now. Paul sold his soul to the progressives. I’ve pointed this out many times and Levin unloaded on him making it clear that Rand chose Mitch McConnell over TEA Party candidate Matt Bevin during the 2014 primaries.
Paul supporters this guy is playing you all! You want to throw your money away to a guy like this fine, God Bless you. But if by some act of God this clone of his lunatic father gets the GOP nomination there’s no way in hell I will vote for him.
Rand Paul: Ted Cruz ‘Pretty Much Done For’ in Senate
by Niels Lesniewski | Roll Call
Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday said fellow Republican presidential candidate Ted. Cruz is “done for” in the Senate.
“Ted has chosen to make this really personal and chosen to call people dishonest in leadership and call them names, which really goes against the decorum and also against the rules of the Senate, and as a consequence, he can’t get anything done legislatively,” Paul told Fox News Radio. “He is pretty much done for and stifled and it’s really because of personal relationships, or lack of personal relationships, and it is a problem.”
Paul, a Kentucky Republican who has had the backing of his home-state senior senator, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, despite some tough policy differences, had been asked about Cruz’s inability to even muster the support of 11 senators to secure a roll call vote on a procedural motion designed to amend the continuing resolution to keep the government running.
The Senate’s set to vote on passage of that measure at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, the last day of the federal government’s 2015 fiscal year.
“I approach things a little different, I am still just as hardcore in saying what we are doing, I just chose not to call people liars on the Senate floor and it’s just a matter of different perspectives on how best to get to the end result,” Paul said in the interview…more