Pelosi: GITMO Detainees Transferred to Illinois is ‘Economic Opportunity’

The “economic opportunity” for Illinois is temporary. The jobs created to build a facility and then staff it will not create a long-term economic boom. It’s getting very old with career politicians making the argument to bring terrorists on US soil so they can use the move for political gain pulling the economic card.

If we had a competent media they would demand Pelosi to spell out exactly how bringing the worst of the worst on US soil will create “economic opportunity” in the long-term. Or is she talking about the “jobs” that will be created within terror circles from recruiting, training, arming and attacking the US? With dozens of islamist training camps on US soil is it not safe to assume it’s just a question of time until they are activated? And what better reason to activate said cells than to make demands for their “brothers” held in captivity to be released.

Tell you what Nancy why don’t we have a facility built near your home or better yet on your property to move GITMO detainees to?