Obama: We Have “The Right Strategy” Battling ISIS, Will “See It Through”

No barry you have no strategy. Unless, you count arming ISIS, flying a dozen sorties, sending a handful of special operators to Syria and never identifying ISIS as islamic radicals while running to Russia for help a strategy? And who is this we? The huge coalition you put together who have done nothing up until France hitting Raqqa (more on that below)?

I’m being dead serious no more bashing on this guy right now… we have a serious threat to the US and all nations by this death cult pres obama is refusing to address. The strategy he has put into play against ISIS with a few airstrikes and a handful of Special Operations is window dressing for when his term is over so he can say “hey I did something”. Obama is doing as little as he has to, to save face. He is that kid in school, teammate, or person at work who does just enough so they don’t fail, get kicked out or fired.

If this do nothing strategy is allowed to continue ignoring ISIS’ threats American streets will be littered with debris and bodies. We have been warned in the same manner Bin Laden issued a warning in 99 that was ignored. IS is telling us what they’re going to do and this guy is ignoring it while everyone else, including democrats and lib msm are rebuking him…

It’s time to put impeachment on the table. Obama has 14 months left in power where an incredible amount of damage can be done. Now before you dems get all upset answer this: The French pounded a training camp and HQ in Raqqa, do you know where they got the intel to strike from? They got it from the US!

So why didn’t your messiah order our airpower to destroy this command and control when they initially ID’d the targets in the first place!? Do you not see obama is NOT doing his job? Mark my words if we don’t get hit in the next 14mos we most certainly will after he leaves office.

And dems if you thought it was cute how you blamed Bush all the time you have no idea the hell and finger pointing coming your way when obama leaves office. Every single obama video, exec order etc will be cited when we rightfully blame him and all of you who blind-fully supported him for whats coming down the road.