No one is panicking mash-potato face! We are amped up.. upset because you dolts in DC are not taking the threat against the US seriously especially since 60-70% of the refugees are young men not grandmothers with their grandchildren John! The reports of Syrians using fake ID’s to travel to the US and cross our unsecured southern border are racking up too. We have every right to be concerned about the Syrian refugees coming to the US when they would be better suited in an Arab country. WHY won’t the Saudis take them? The FBI and other agencies are clear they cannot vet these people with 100% certainty.
We have millions unemployed, living in poverty and a mountain of other problems why are those in the obama admin so hell-bent to force us to take these refugees? There is no way to vet these people coming from a region ISIS has clearly stated they would mix fighters in with refugees to infiltrate other countries.
Since the Paris attack there have been two videos released by ISIS threatening the US in the same manner they threatened France. Govt officials like Kerry and the media go on air constantly saying “there’s no credible threat”. There was no specific credible threat in France either by the definition they’re all using but look what happened.
I will beat this issue into the ground until people wake up and lash out at those in govt and the media to stop with this ridiculous, irresponsible statement. Lets be clear as far back as January ISIS has been threatening to strike France they finally did. The French had no credible threat prior to 11/13/15, other than the videos where these monsters were saying they were going to attack the Crusaders in Paris. They have been making the same threats against the US to strike at New York City, Washington DC and pres obama.
These monsters are not going to take to the airwaves and say “uhh yea infidels on Thursday around 3pm we’re going to use two suicide bombers at the corner of X and Z. At 3:05 a we will initiate a mass shooting at Y business…” They are not going to go on Twitter, Facebook, or use a PS4 or X-Box announcing their plans either. (BTW good job making the use of gaming consoles public, now they are using something else you don’t know about YOU JACKASSES!)
We have every right to panic Mr Kerry, because we know all it takes is just one ISIS fighter to kill dozens. Not everybody has the luxury of armed bodyguards when they walk out the door! So stopping Syrian refugees is our only option.