Thank you Lt Col Peters for saying what so many people think of this anti-American president. We are angry and furious Darth Hussein™ is doing nothing to protect this country. Obama spent a fraction of the time during his speech speaking about our enemies trying to kill us. He then LIED that the US was taking action against the death cult suggesting US air power is pounding them which is untrue. Russia did more bombings in one week than the US has done in almost 2 years. He is beyond deceptive and has no intentions of protecting us. Why? Well the rest of the speech was him lecturing America that we are the problem, we’re bigots & racists who need to be nice to islamists and give up our gun rights.
Fan of Varney & Co but last time I checked this is cable tv (PAY TV) since when is “language like that” not allowed? People say and show a lot worse at times on network (FREE) tv daily!
After Peters said this Fox decided to suspend him for two weeks. He will be joined by Stacey Dash who had her moment today too saying obama doesn’t give a shit about terrorism!