The stupidity of the electorate never ceases to amaze me. Remember waaaaayyy back in the time before (2008) when it was offensive to suggest a DNC candidate was a socialist and with obama it was even racist?! Now voters on the left, many who ID with the democrat party, are embracing socialism and candidates who push it. Mind you the average Clinton or Sanders voter doesn’t know what socialism is, but they’re all for it! This of course is no thanks to the education system that wants kids to speak spanish and know about sex and gender before they’re out of kindergarten!
Socialism is that gray area between capitalism and communism. It hints of govt control in the name of social, economic justice, brought in very subtly before the switch is turned on to full communism. History has proven it never really works in the long-term. Socialism is responsible for the death of 40,000 within first 15 months of the French Revolution. Fast forward a few years following the Russian Revolution 20 million died and under Mao in China 75 million people dead because of socialism (communism). Sure those were ancient times but have you taken note of whats going on in Venezuela? They have the highest inflation rate of 808%, food is hard to get (McD’s large fries cost $126) and toilet paper is now a rare commodity!
The last thing this country needs is a self avowed socialist (Sanders) as president but even worse a corrupt career politician like Clinton who hides what she really is, progressive; a really nice way of calling oneself socialist/communist.