Kasich Wants to See Brokered Convention: “It Will Be Fun”

Unlike Rubio, Kasich has no problem being honest he wants a brokered convention. He is just a tool of the GOPe to get there and steal this election from Trump or Cruz. Make no mistake about it the GOPe is planning to deny the will of the American people, sabotage this primary using Kasich and Rubio to install the candidate they want. With four candidates vying for the nomination there is a good chance no one will get to 1237 delegates needed. This race is a genuine two man race between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, both hated by the GOPe. The elites in power know this but don’t care as long as they maintain their power to choose who they want to run against Hillary.

If the candidate who wins the most delegates is not named the nominee you can be sure that riot gear Cleveland is loading up on is going to be needed! And then they wonder why so many Americans are pissed off at the ruling elite.