AZ Sheriff Paul Babeu and National Border Patrol Labor Council President Brandon Judd held a press conference today to alert the American people that the dangerous lawless obama admin is instructing the Border Patrol not to go in high traffic areas illegals use to enter the US! Is anyone really surprised to learn this? Aside from the drug problem, human trafficking and criminals crossing the border this policy has put the country’s national security in grave danger. If this were any other POTUS blatantly putting the country in this much danger, in effect aiding and abetting our enemy, they would have been impeached by now!
Does anyone think terrorists are not aware of our porous border? Who do you think educated the Mexican drug cartels on the art of beheading their enemies? The same people the cartel has helped enter the US aka terrorists! It’s not secret look it up, the govt is well aware of terror groups operating in Mexico, God only know how many are routinely crossing the border this regime refuses to secure?
We need some leaders to step up to the plate and refuse to follow this regimes orders upholding their oath of service. Those of you in the military and govt tasked with protecting the homeland you are in direct violation of the oath you took, and hold in high regard, to protect your job and pension! SHAME ON YOU!
For the record Congress passed the bill (Secure Fence Act of 2006) to build a wall, they can’t get it funded for 2 reasons. The first, they are completely incompetent where as you know funding bills get loaded with pork for pet projects. So because they fight over who gets what, the bill gets sand-bagged. Second reason, we need a president who would actually sign off on said spending; with obama in power over the last 8 years there was no way a wall would have been built. If any of the GOP candidates get elected in 2016 the wall should get funded, but don’t hold your breath.