Comedian Wanda Sykes Flips Off Crowd After Getting Booed For Calling Trump a ‘Racist’

[Language Warning]

Here we go, another Hollywood progressive who just can’t control herself is taught a lesson by her fans. What is it going to take for you progs in Commiewood to knock it off? Yea, yea we get it, we know you have to do politics in your routines but why do you insist on pushing it to the limits with all the racial crap? The way Wanda Sykes goes on about white men leaves this man believing she is a racist. I mean listen to her, that all comes top natural for her to say, regardless of whatever writing and rehearsal went into it.

To this day not one solid piece of evidence has been produced demonstrating Pres-Elect Trump is a racist. He has not said anything derogatory to women, blacks or gays during this presidential campaign. What he said in the past is now in the past, or we can open up the old vids of you libs too! Btw have you noticed how all those women who came forward claiming sexual misconduct have all disappeared after that coordinated hit job against him?! Don’t recall Trump ever saying anything bad about gays or blacks, hell he welcomed them to stop falling for democrat lies and support him.

So Wanda, you have nothing to worry about, but you go right ahead and trash white men and the President-Elect. Like your dolt friends, Schumer, Dunham, Cher, Madonna, Stewart, etc you will learn a lesson the hard way. Just as the American people have had enough of DC elites, they’ve had it with Hollywood’s divisiveness too! You can stay and be quiet or leave. Or stay, run your mouth and suffer a boycott for being so divisive!