CA Judge Refuses to Reinstate Sanctuary City Order

Rogue judges need to be removed from the bench. This is another example as to why we need Term Limits not only for Congress but also those in the Judicial Branch. The law is not optional, you cannot pick and choose what you want to follow. Judge Orrick, a staunch obama supporter and donor, is not only violating Trump’s executive order but also long existing federal immigration law by aiding illegal aliens.

Kate’s Law and Sanctuary Cities Bill both passed in the House in June and still have not come up for a vote in the Senate. WHY? Congress has proven, even under this new admin, they are inept, incompetent and impotent when it comes to dealing with illegal immigration. We should not put our faith in the legislature to take action. That said we need to have an Article V Convention of the States to get amendments like Term Limits and something done about immigration