Bernie Sanders appeared on The View and was cornered by Jedidiah Bila over the harsh rhetoric he has been using, that people will die, over the GOP’s plan to repeal and replace obamacare. Bila read off some quotes she had in front of her that Sanders denied saying, going on about how he was citing what studies claimed would happen if the GOP were to repeal and replace 0care with their own bill.
Let this be a learning lesson to Bila and others calling out democrats over things they have said to always have video or audio of them saying controversial things cued up. Had Jed done that the audience would not have given applause to his response, nor being attacked as she was online.
Here is Sanders saying “thousands of people will die” because of the GOP healthcare plan way back in on June 23, 2017, never once mentioning the studies he used today on The View!
And just yesterday Bernie said Trump “wants millions of people to suffer… to win some political points”…
It’s not surprising Sanders has a short memory over what he says, it’s a standard trait all progressives possess.
Lastly, it was disturbing to hear the audience applaud Sanders when he thought he was correcting Bila. These people are absolutely clueless and uninformed, demonstrating how easily they can be manipulated by elected leaders.