CNN’s “legal expert”, and former federal prosecutor, Jeffrey Toobin finally admitted on AC360 what this website has been saying for months –
Yes, through Toobin the network just admitted it has been pushing fake news and demonizing the President of the United States for almost a year! Take note, Anderson nor anyone else on the panel (who have all pushed this conspiracy) cut in or challenged Toobin!
The big question one has to ask is why are they going this route after months of constantly attacking and hammering Pres Trump of colluding with the Russians? What caused the pivot? Was it the abuse/ scolding from Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz, who more or less dared people to produce the statute? Or, is the network pivoting to “save face” because nothing to date has been uncovered showing any criminal action by Pres Trump?!
I’m going with the latter in conjunction with the news of Manafort being wiretapped at Trump Tower, where he is challenging feds to release everything!
This network has no credibility whatsoever to lie and influence the public, suggesting the President of the United States is a traitor. They have fueled hate and a witch hunt where unhinged, dangerous members of Congress, like Maxine Waters, are calling for Trump’s impeachment.
What will unhinged Leftists do when this whole conspiracy fizzles out now that CNN, very subtly, has come clean? Stay on alert for another Alexandria…